Dual D-Ring Small (10 or 100 pack)
Python Safety / 3M DBI-Sala Fall Protection for Tools
Part Number: DDR-SMALL-10PK SKU: 1500001
Part Number: DDR-SMALL-100PK SKU: 1500002
The Dual D-Ring is a patent pending attachment point from 3M Fall Protection for Tools that allows almost any tool up to 2 pounds to be tethered safely, and
also allows for 100% Tool Tie-Off during the transfer of tools. With 100% Tool
Tie-Off, a tool can be transferred without the risk of a falling object.
Tool lanyards, staging devices, and hooks can attach to one of two “D-Ring”
connection points. When being transferred, a second “D-Ring” can be tied
off before the first “D-Ring” is disconnected. At all points during transfer,
at least one “D-Ring” is tied off ensuring a drop will never occur.
- Use with Python Safety Quick Wrap Tape or Heat Shrink